“Said No School Ever”: Hefty Box Tops

Box Tops Collection Box

“We have unlimited resources.”
“We have more art supplies than we could ever use.”
“Our playground equipment is state of the art.”
“Our teachers are paid what they’re worth.”

Have you ever heard your local school say these things? Nope. Me neither. The unfortunate reality is that schools could always use more funding than they get, teachers deserve far more than their paychecks reflect, and the list of things in need of updating in any given school grows by the day. Thank goodness there are programs like Box Tops for Education that allow us to support our local schools and help them earn money to buy the things they need. It’s so simple to participate and start making a difference for your school.

Step 1: Purchase products marked with the Box Tops for Education label.


Step 2: Clip the labels.

Step 3: Send the labels to your school.

Step 4: Each Box Tops coupon earns 10 cents. Schools can earn up to $20,000 each year.

Box Tops earnings are sent out to schools twice a year, in December and in April. The schools can then use the cash to purchase anything they need.There are hundreds of participating products you can purchase, but Hefty® is the only trash bag that supports Box Tops for Education. To date, the Hefty® brand has donated over $3.5 million to schools through the Box Tops for Education program. Trash bags are a product all of us need; why not buy the brand that will help raise funds for your school?

It’s so simple to collect the Box Tops; we save them for Little Crafter’s school all year long. Here’s how I made the box we use to keep them in at home until we send them to school fifty at a time. I thought it would be fun to make it look like a chalkboard {even though schools technically use white boards now…}

Box Tops Collection Box

Box Tops Chalkboard Box

Paper mache box
Black Paint or Chalkboard Paint
Chalk or White Paint Pen

Optional: magnet and glue


Paint your box and let it dry completely. Then, use chalk or a paint pen to write “Box Tops” on the lid. If you like, attach a magnet to the bottom of the box so you can stick it on the refrigerator for easy access.

Box Tops Box

It’s really easy to create, and even easier to save those Box Tops to earn cash for your school. It may seem like ten cents is no big deal, but when everyone works together, those dimes add up and make a real difference!

Box Tops Collection Container

I’d love to know your tips for finding and saving Box Tops! In the meantime, take a minute to check out this hilarious video from Hefty. What has your children’s school never said?

I was selected for this opportunity as a member of Clever Girls and the content and opinions expressed here are all my own.

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